Posted on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 1:48:31 AM

In line with our commitment to continuously serve you better, we are pleased to introduce a new feature/transaction on the FOECOMS Portal for your attention. The Loan Offset feature will enable cooperators who currently have active loans pay them off using their total contribution balance. Two basic conditions are required to activate this feature 1. No partial but full offset of currently running loan. 2. Total contribution balance after loan offset must not be less than 10% of value before offset. To activate this feature, 1. Logon to your FOECOMS Portal Account 2. Click on Loan History 3. Details of your loans (if any) would be displayed 4. At the extreme of the active loan, click on the offset loan button. 5. If conditions (1 & 2) above are met, a confirmation page will be displayed; else you will not be able to perform the action. 6. Confirm your loan offset application. When the approval of your request is completed, you’ll be duly notified via sms. Together, we will cooperate and grow our wealth HEALTHILY. Sign: General Secretary