Posted on Monday, July 30, 2018 7:38:29 PM
Dear Cooperators,
This is to bring to your notice that effective end of July 2018, all repayments for loans, consumables and salary advance shall be remitted directly by concerned cooperators to FOECOMS nominated account. Details of nominated account and monthly repayment amount shall be forwarded accordingly to concerned cooperators by the Financial Secretary, Etubom Michael Ebong.
The Management Committee in its steer to serve the society better has reached this decision in order to ease the burden of fund repayment on our payroll system. Sequel to this, only the monthly contribution shall be deducted from members’ salaries through the payroll system. We sincerely hope this decision and its strict compliance in line with the Bye-Laws will guarantee effective service delivery and growth within the society.
Lawrence Ekwere
General Secretary